Terms of Service

Thank you for visiting fuadbinshams.com! Please read our privacy policy here


Ranking on the first page of search engines is not guaranteed. Each search engine has its own algorithm for determining rankings. 

We strongly advise you to stay away from services that manipulate search engines for ranking. It is tempting to go for such services, however in the end you will lose your online visibility because of a penalty from search engines.

Basic Terms of Use

Following terms will be used to refer to the owner of the Site:

  • Provider- means the owner who is providing the service to the user
  • We- will be used to refer to the owner
  • Us- will also be used to refer to the owner
  • Site – refers to the website you are visiting, which in this case is fuadbinshams.com

As a condition of using our services or site, you agree that you are bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which are responsible for the relationship between you and fuadbinshams.com as the provider of the Site. 

Using the Site is governed by the following terms:

  1. The content of the website will be influenced by the data published in respected and credible sources and the personal opinion of the provider. Without prior notice, it may be changed, modified, updated, or completely removed.
  2. Commercial use of content published on this site is strictly prohibited. Personal photos of the provider and images created and designed by the provider are strictly prohibited for use for unlawful or unethical purposes.
  3. We are not responsible for any damage arising from your use of any information or materials on the Site. If you intend to use any products, services, or information available on this Site, you shall be responsible for ensuring that those products and services are useful to you and meet your goal.
  4. It is entirely your responsibility to take care of your communications and use of the Services. You must not:


Terms of Service

Thank you for visiting fuadbinshams.com! Please read our privacy policy here


Ranking on the first page of search engines is not guaranteed. Each search engine has its own algorithm for determining rankings. 

We strongly advise you to stay away from services that manipulate search engines for ranking. It is tempting to go for such services, however in the end you will lose your online visibility because of a penalty from search engines.

Basic Terms of Use

Following terms will be used to refer to the owner of the Site:

  • Provider- means the owner who is providing the service to the user
  • We- will be used to refer to the owner
  • Us- will also be used to refer to the owner
  • Site – refers to the website you are visiting, which in this case is fuadbinshams.com

As a condition of using our services or site, you agree that you are bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which are responsible for the relationship between you and fuadbinshams.com as the provider of the Site. 

Using the Site is governed by the following terms:

  1. The content of the website will be influenced by the data published in respected and credible sources and the personal opinion of the provider. Without prior notice, it may be changed, modified, updated, or completely removed.
  2. Commercial use of content published on this site is strictly prohibited. Personal photos of the provider and images created and designed by the provider are strictly prohibited for use for unlawful or unethical purposes.
  3. We are not responsible for any damage arising from your use of any information or materials on the Site. If you intend to use any products, services, or information available on this Site, you shall be responsible for ensuring that those products and services are useful to you and meet your goal.
  4. It is entirely your responsibility to take care of your communications and use of the Services. You must not:


  • distribute or publish communications that are abusive, defamatory, racial, improper, obscene, scamming, and deceptive.
  • use viruses or any other malicious code in order to steal data or hack computers
  • manipulate, harass, threaten, or breach the privacy of anyone using the Services
  • falsely claim to be the representative of fuadbinshams.com
  • Post any message that contains elements that violate the property rights of another party
  • All trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the Site are the property of their respective owners. Without the written permission of Provider or such third party that may own such Marks, you are prohibited from using any them
  1. It may be necessary for us to provide links to a third-party website in order to educate our visitors further about the phrases and terms we use on our site. Nevertheless, we do not have control over updating or modifying the content of a third-party website if you find that the information is outdated or broken. All we can do is to update the link and point you to a new third-party website or a new internal page of our own website.
  2. Due to our right to work with multiple clients at the same time, we cannot be ordered or instructed to limit our work to one client at a time.
  3. Our other clients will not provide you with backlinks. We work separately with each client. We also do not purchase or help you purchase any backlink from others. We will also refrain from creating unnatural and spammy links, as this is prohibited by search engines. It is highly recommended that you see us as a Search Engine Optimizer, not as a Search Engine Manipulator.  
  4. In order to educate users further, we may direct them to other sites through hyperlinks. Nevertheless, we are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information provided by those sites.